Friday, April 27, 2012

in a pickle GROWING PAINS produce SPLENDIFEROUS delights!

rolling hills
     As the nuances of spring begin to march toward summerwe at in a pickle foods are GROWING and blooming in many different ways!  James just completed an in a pickle sabbatical in the rolling hills of north west Fort Worth.  His mission:  our commercial kitchen!  Woo hoo!  We are happy to say that the kitchen is finished, we've moved in, and our pickle peeps can expect some splendiferous yumminess from the in a pickle kitchen!  

Our new kitchen
     James has worked non-stop and he calls this the "growing pains" of the business.  So what did he do?  Well, he says... "when life gives us lemons... we make lemon pear jam!"  And that's exactly what he did...

Lemon Pear Vanilla Jam

And as some of you may know... Cow Town Chow Down 

is another part of our growing business.  It's Fort Worth's newest food park and will offer gourmet food truck dining under a large outdoor canopy, there'll be live entertainment and... our fancy foodie trailer will be there on Thursday, May 17, 2012... opening day... 

serving up Brisket sandwiches topped with our incredible tomato jam and pickles... maybe some lasagna roll ups and James wouldn't serve you if he didn't bring some Louisiana to you... Jambalaya... how 'bout that cher!

So from our kitchen's ...

to you...

Happy Season Everybody!  Life's greatest moments start in a pickle!
                           We'll be at White Rock Local Market this Saturday!  April 27, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

In A Pickle Welcomes Spring

It's that time of year when we want to be out of doors, swinging on the porch, enjoying spring gardens and all the bountiful produce that shouts out spring!  

We at in a pickle foods savour those delightful southern muscadine grapes...there is nothing like the cool refreshing pop as you plop a ripe muscadine into your mouth on a hot day... That's why we had to bring you our Wild Citrus Grape Jelly - made with ripe muscadine grapes  and full of nutrients - it's just what we order on those warm days of spring and hot days of summer.

Another favorite of ours is blueberries... a power packed punch of lime, loaded with anti-oxidants our Blueberry Lime Jam is a winner in taste and good for you too!  

And we would be remiss if we didn't mention strawberries!! Our Strawberry Vanilla Bean Jam brings the giddiness of spring to your well-heeled palate!  The aromatic nuance of vanilla bean combined with the distinct lemon taste sets this strawberry jam apart from any other.  You’ll want to try it on a grilled PB & J or with fresh ricotta slathered in honey, pistachios and ground pepper – all atop a nice chunk of Italian bread.  It's amore!

Ahhh... the foodie delights of spring.  We hope you are experiencing all the wonders of spring and anticipating all the enchantment of summer!  We are here at in a pickle foods, as we busily do some spring cleaning, and growing to better serve our foodie companions and pickle peeps.  So don't let the winter blahs continue ... remember Life's greatest moments start in a pickle!  Breathe in a deep fresh breath of spring air and enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Garden Is Growing

Karen helps student plant seed

in a pickle foods is proud to say that the Real School Garden at Sagamore Hill Elementary School is in place... thanks to all the folks that came out to help dig and plant a little seed!!!  Karen knows that it's much more than just seeds that were planted:  knowledge is growing at Sagamore HIll...

James and Byron Kopsa, Mercedes Benz Financial
Wednesday morning the Real School Gardens personnel were in place... the Mercedes-Benz Financial Services volunteers were ready and James was in full regalia for gardening day... 


and with added help from volunteers in the community, and Sagamore Hill Elementary School the day was a huge success!

Beds were installed, starter plants were planted,
Students planting
seeds were buried,

and Karen's students were there to experience the beginning of an outdoor classroom/garden that will help them further their studies in math, science and other subjects.

Volunteers and students planting

The new outdoor learning center is located right behind the school... where the students will have close access.


As the gardening day came to a close it was a pleasure to see all the volunteers that had put forth such an effort to bring this new garden to fruition!

in a pickle foods supports Real School Gardens and our gardening hat goes off to Mercedes-Benz Financial Services for their investment in our children's future!

Ask us about gardening for the future...

 this weekend we will be at White Rock Local Market in Dallas with more splendiferous seasonal products!

Happy Easter!!!!!!