Thursday, May 16, 2013


Can a giraffe fit in a phone booth? Does a sofa fit in a shopping cart? It all depends on how you size it up in this game of creative thinking and outrageous scenarios. Yep, that's right ... there's an IN A PICKLE game out there...

Looking to try a Zorba Omelet - fresh spinach, ripe chopped tomatoes, sliced black olives and Feta cheese?... Yummy and that's right... it's at the IN A PICKLE restaurant in Waltham, MA...

Or how 'bout Grilled Chicken topped with Goat Cheese, Sundried Tomatoes, and Basil?
Yep you can get that in San Antonio at IN A PICKLE catering!

In Florida, you can have your web page designed by IN A PICKLE webdesign 
or maybe you're having some pickle ponderings 
... artist David Lanham draws us one in his ode to IN A PICKLE 

AND... then of course there's the latest news story from CNN at Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs where a Massachusetts woman ordered a steak-and-cheese sub and was so angry about "too many pickles" on her sandwich she punched the employee who served he, and shoved two jars of pickles at her... as CNN put it.. "The jars shattered and the customer fled -- without the sandwich -- but the brine-covered employee managed to catch up with her and hold her until..." the local police arrived.

Ahh... to be in a pickle.
That's what author Karen Robbins creates in her book entitled ... you guessed it ... In A Pickle
her character Annie Pickels, a 65 year old widowed pickle entrepreneur is in real trouble.... and as the story goes.... "One of her city farmers is growing marijuana on his rented plot of land. Annie, thinking it is marjoram, uses it as a secret ingredient in her pickles."  

Well, that's a new take on pickles!

We hope you'll come out this weekend and try some of our jams and pickles... ummm...
there won't be any of that special marjoram but we'll promise the experience will be

Stop by and say "hey" this weekend... on Saturday we will be at White Rock Lake Market - Lakeside, Fort Worth Herb Society at 9am and at 10am at the Piney Woods Wine Festival... in Mount Vernon ...find us on Sunday at GECKO Hardware sampling our tastiness in Dallas at 10 am.

And just remember... life's greatest moments begin when you are in a pickle ... OBVIOUSLY!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

in a pickle moments for MOM

Well first... we have to give a shout out to all our new pickle peeps in the heart of Texas... the Austin Food and Wine Festival was simply SPLENDIFEROUS!  Thank you Austin... we hope we gave you something to think about when you are in a pickle!

Next up... we are in our own back yard this weekend at BRIT in Fort Worth from 10 to 2 or catch us in Dallas at the White Rock Lake Market Lakeside from 8 to 1 OR drop by St. Michael's Farmer's Market in Dallas from 8 until noon.  Some really wonderful venues folks and we will be there with great little gifts for MOM.  We are only one week away from that special day and why not give her something that will please her palate like in a pickle's strawberry vanilla jam pie...
Here's the recipe enjoy with your MOM...

3 ounces of dark chocolate pieces, divided
1 TBL butter
1 (9 in) pastry shell, baked
2 pkgs (3 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup sour cream (non fat)
3 TBL sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 to 4 cups fresh strawberries, hulled
1/3 cup iap strawberry vanilla jam, melted

In a large saucepan, melt the butter and 2 oz. of the chocolate pieces over low heat stirring constantly... when mixture has melted brush over and the sides of the pie shell and chill for 30 minutes in fridge.  In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla until smooth.  Spread over the pie shell and cover and chill for two hours.  Arrange the fresh strawberries over the filling and brush with the melted jam.  Melt the remaining chocolate pieces and drizzle over the top of the pie.  Yields: 6-8 servings